Patrick Cunney of Carrane, Tourlestrane |
Patrick Cunney married Brigid Durkin and lived in Carrane. They had seven
daughters and two sons.
- Mary married Pat O'Connor of Masshill
- Marageret married John Red Durkin of Coolrecuill
- Anne married Paddy Cobrey of Glenn Ri
- Brigid married another Cobrey of Mount Taffe cousin to Paddy Cobrey.
- Jack married Brigid Cunney of Culdalee, his second cousin and daughter of
Padraig Cunney and Ketty Anne Kilmartin. They had 4 sons and 4 daughters.
- Michael married Anne O' Reilley and lived in USA
- Ellen lived in USA
- Catney (Kate) married Timothy Meagher and lived in USA
- Nora married Jim Groarke and lived in USA

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